Drive Descanso Drive Slowly*

The line drawing for this image is missing a lot of the lines that I needed to add once I found more shapes and shades in the trees.  Also, in the text, I mention never-ending stairs, but drew a very small set of stairs.  These steps are a bridge between the two sides of Descanso (each side is one way).  This is right by the Music Box Stairs that Laurel and Hardy maneuvered a piano up and down.

Image Text:

Descanso exists as a street of surprises.  Its roads curve and split.  The roots of old, powerful trees transform the ground, rewriting tar into a language, braille only cars can read.  Steep staircases invitingly extend to their vanishing points.

I assume Descanso is sometimes left alone.  The cats, shopping carts, power walkers and stalkers are busy someplace else.   Sometimes, though, the street is busy, and everyone realizes their secret is out.

Edited Text 11/12/2012

Descanso exists as a street of surprises. Its roads curve and split. The roots of old, powerful trees transform the ground, rewriting its tar into a language like braille, which only cars can read. Steep staircases invitingly extend to their vanishing points.
We all assume Descanso is sometimes left alone. When the cats, shopping carts, power walkers and shadow finding stalkers are busy someplace else, we can find ourselves all alone beneath Descanso’s layers of leaves. However there are moments when the street is busy — an old man unloading groceries, a few kids falling off their skateboards, drunks on the steps — and everyone who thought only they knew, realizes that their secret is out.

Edited Text 11/13/2012

Descanso exists as a street of surprises. Its roads curve and split.  Steep staircases invitingly extend to their vanishing points.

The roots of old, powerful trees transform the ground, rewriting  the tar in a language like braille, which only the cars can read.

Descanso is often left alone. The cats, power walkers and  recyclers are busy someplace else.   A single soul could turn the corner and discover this simple, old street, hidden beneath and on top of layered leaves.
A vacant trail, perhaps to covet.

There are moments, however, when the street is busy
— an old man unloads groceries, a mother and
daughter walk with their dog, drunk friends laugh on  the steps — and those who thought that only they knew, realize that their secret is out.

*Originally posted on 8/21/2012

I walk up and down Descanso at least twice a day.  I enjoy writing about what I know.  My attempt to describe Descanso was difficult, however, because there is so much to tell.  The street is complicated and changing.  I’ve experienced the street while walking alone, with groups, with single friends.  I’ve been in a hurry, late, early.  I’ve been cold; it has been dark.  I’ve been sweating up the hill enjoying its pockets of shade.  I’ve worn different shoes.  I’ve listened to music.

I included this image and text in my coloring book:

drive descanso coloring book web

I just tried writing the text in the leaves:
-the text is pretty small, but when the image is at 100% (14″x20″) they’re legible

descanso typography web

Here is the image without any text:

descanso without text web


What do you think?